40 Ways to Pray


We as Christians talk about prayer in a lot of ways – we say we are praying for someone, praying for a certain situation and even just pray that something doesn’t happen to us. Be when it comes down to it, do we really pray? Do we pray like it matters? Do we pray with authority?

Over the next 40 days I am going to share 40 ways to pray. I hope that you will be able to find ways that will make your prayer life better. I have heard it said that the best way to pray better – is to pray more. I am a firm believer that the Holy Spirit can teach each of us how better to pray, but we just have to do it more.

Day 1 – Pray in your quiet place

So what is a quiet place and why should we pray there?

A quiet place is someplace you can get alone with no distractions to pray. Jesus taught us to go into our private room, shut the door, and pray to your Father (Matthew 6:6). No matter what that private room looks like to you (bedroom, closet, bathroom, den or even corner of a room), go there to get alone with God.

As we see in Mark 1:35 and Luke 5:16, Jesus got up early to get away from people to be alone. If Jesus found it necessary to get alone to pray, then I how much more so should we be following this example?

When you are alone in a quiet place you are able to focus on praying to God – talking to God and listening to God. It is the listening part that requires us to be quiet and not talk or be distracted.

For me I find getting up 30 minutes before my family every morning is my best chance at getting some quiet time with God.

Where is it for you? Where do you get alone with God? Where do you consistently make time to talk and listen to your Creator?


  1. Charles Young

    Looks like a Path, to a Peaceful and Quiet Place. Combining water and mountains. Like Myrtle Beach, SC. & Corryton/Luttrell, TN. GOD sure has blessings for the eyes, or the lamp of the human spirit. Thank you John. Love You Brother.

  2. Terry Redwine

    I love to go out and sit on the dock at my pond with House Mountain in my view. God gives us these things to help us feel closer to him. Of course I don’t go there every day. But when I feel the need for a really special time of prayer I go.

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